Sometimes items in your order will ship separately and have multiple tracking numbers. This is especially true if you've ordered a large item such as a cookware set. These orders may have different processing times, so part of your order may arrive later than the first.
We encourage you to check your order status from to see if your items are shipping separately.
To check this you can either:
- Check your order status by logging in to your account here.
- Track your order by the order number and either phone/email here.
- Check your email or text alerts for tracking numbers.
- Contact Customer Support
- Email us at Be sure to include your order information, email and phone number so we can best assist you in a timely manner.
If you only have one tracking number associated with your order, please contact customer support and we will do everything we can to help you out.
Important!If you did not order from please check with the retailer or website which you placed the order for more information and support |
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