Please note: This article is only for purchases made on Please reference the returns policy and process for all other purchases on the website they were made.
We understand that sometimes we change our mind. We will do our best to accommodate your return.
Please make sure your order is within our 30-day return policy or your request may be denied.
Please navigate to your account page to locate your order to initiate your return.
1. Select the order with the item you wish to return.
2. Select the reason for your return.
3. Finalize your request and submit.
Once your return is initiated you will receive a confirmation email. Our staff will review your request to ensure it meets requirements. This process may take up to 48 hours, but usually much sooner.
Once your return is approved a response will issued along with a return shipping label will be delivered to your email address. A full refund excluding shipping and handling will be issued upon confirmation of goods received and inspection.
Refunds will be processed wihin 24-48 hours.
If your item is defective or arrived damaged, please refer to our warranty section and have photos and a description of the issue ready so we can issue you a replacement.
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